Regulate cat breeding

Join Cats Protection's call for cat breeding to be regulated across the UK

Since 2021, cat breeding has been regulated in Scotland but the rest of the UK has no restrictions. This leads to cats being sold underage that are subsequently weak, prone to illness and in the worse cases may die. Cats can also currently be bred with extreme features which can negatively impact their welfare and cause suffering.

We are also seeing people increasingly looking to get pedigree cats intentionally bred with extreme traits that are harmful to their welfare, including certain breeds such as the Scottish Fold and Munchkin. Although some may think these cats look 'cute', they can suffer a lifetime of pain.

71% of cats purchased in the last year were found online, according to Cats Protection's Cats and Their Stats 2023 report.

While online shopping has become a huge part of our lives, the online sales of cats and kittens can have heart-breaking consequences.

Unscrupulous sellers, looking to make a quick profit, are selling underage kittens that are weak, prone to illness, and in the worst cases may die.

Separating kittens from their mother before the age of eight weeks can have an impact on their behaviour, health, and sometimes even their survival.

Mum cats can be mistreated and kept in poor conditions, bred for their kittens again and again.

We are also seeing people increasingly looking to get pedigree cats intentionally bred with extreme traits that are harmful to their welfare, including certain breeds such as the Scottish Fold and Munchkin. Although these cats may look 'cute', they can suffer a lifetime of pain.

That's why Cats Protection is calling for cat breeding to be regulated across the UK.

Only by ensuring cat breeding is properly regulated can we protect cats and kittens from suffering. Without regulation, there is no way to stop this from happening. Sign our petition calling for cat breeding to be regulated and a ban on the commercial breeding of certain extreme breeds with extreme characteristics, which includes the Scottish Fold and Munchkin.

Take action now

Sign the petition to call for the regulation of cat breeding across the UK and an end to the breeding of cats with extreme characteristics

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